S R Dalvi (I) Foundation


Homework vs No homework learning approaches.

Homework and no homework are two different approaches to learning, and each has its advantages and disadvantages. Here are some key points to consider: Advantages of homework: Practice: Homework provides an opportunity for students to practice the concepts they learned in class. This reinforces their understanding and helps them to remember what they have learned.

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What are the effects of unseasonal rain in Maharashtra

Unseasonal rain in Maharashtra can have both positive and negative effects on the region. Here are some potential impacts: Positive effects: The rain can provide relief from the hot and dry conditions typically experienced during the summer months. It can help to replenish water sources, such as lakes and reservoirs, which may have been depleted

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Educational Tourism: Creating Valuable Experiences for the Future

Educational tourism is a type of travel that focuses on learning about new cultures, histories, and ways of life. It can take many forms, from visiting museums and historical sites to participating in language immersion programs or ecological conservation projects. The goal of educational tourism is to provide valuable experiences that enrich a travelers’ understanding

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How Indian women farmers are finding strength in numbers

In India, women farmers have historically faced numerous challenges, including limited access to land, credit, and government support. However, in recent years, they have found strength in numbers by coming together to form collectives and cooperatives. One such example is the Mahila Kisan Adhikar Manch (MAKAAM), a national forum of women farmers’ organizations that advocates

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How can school violence be prevented?

There are several steps that can be taken to prevent school violence. Some of these include: Promoting a positive school culture: Schools should promote a culture of respect, kindness, and inclusion. This can be achieved by implementing programs that promote positive behavior and provide support for students who are struggling. Encouraging communication: Schools should encourage

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रामनवमी का साजरी केली जाते?

Why is Ram Navami celebrated? रामनवमी ही भगवान रामाची जयंती म्हणून साजरी केली जाते. भगवान राम हे आदर्श पुरुष म्हणून ओळखले जातात. जर तुम्ही पौराणिक कथा आणि कथांचा अभ्यास केला तर तुम्हाला हे शिकायला मिळते की माणसाचे चरित्र भगवान रामासारखे असावे. यामुळेच भारतात रामाचे अनेक अनुयायी आहेत. राम नवमी हा एक हिंदू सण आहे ज्यामध्ये

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