S R Dalvi (I) Foundation

How to handle angry behavior of kids?

मुलांचे रागावलेले वर्तन कसे हाताळायचे?

There are many things that can cause a child to have temper tantrums, emotional outbursts, and general “bad” or unexpected behavior. These can include biological reasons, like being hungry or overtired. It can include communication issues related to learning challenges. It also can include emotional reasons, like not being able to cope with or describe their feelings. Their environment can also influence behavior.

Raising children is difficult, and raising difficult children can be life disrupting. But being able to tell whether your child is just going through a stage, or if something is really wrong isn’t always that easy.
When a child in school struggles with anger, it can be a difficult position for both the parents, teachers and the child. Some children are quickly irritated. They get worked up over seemingly little incidents. They scream. They may even become combative.
If your children in primary school often experience furious outbursts, especially if their anger is interfering with their relationships and quality of life, you must educate them on how to manage their emotions healthily solution techniques.

Use these tips to help your child with anger issues.

1. Educate Your Child About Feelings

When children are unable to express or comprehend their feelings, they are more prone to lash out. A kid who is unable to articulate “I’m angry!” may attempt to express their anger by lashing out. A kid who is unable to detect or express their sadness may misbehave to attract your attention. Begin by teaching your kid simple emotional terms like “angry,” “sad,” “happy,” and “scared” to help them recognize and name their emotions. “It seems like you’re extremely furious right now,” you can label your child’s emotions for them. They’ll learn to name their feelings over time.

2. Have a Calm-Down Plan

Teach kids what to do if they become angry. When they’re upset, they could retire to their room or a designated “calming place” instead of throwing blocks. Encourage them to draw, read a book, or do anything else relaxing until they feel better. You could even put together a relaxation pack. This might contain your child’s favorite coloring books and crayons, as well as a fun book to read, stickers, a favorite toy, or a fragrant lotion. When anger starts to build up in your kid, you can say, “Go grab your calm-down kit.”  This teaches your kid to take charge for calming themselves down.

 3. Teach Your Child Anger Management Techniques

Teaching specific anger management strategies to an angry child is one of the finest ways to help her. When your child is angry, for example, taking deep breaths might help to soothe her mind and body. Taking a short walk, counting to ten, or repeating a therapeutic phrase may also be beneficial. Other abilities, such as impulse control and self-discipline, should also be taught. When they’re unhappy, some kids require a lot of coaching to help them practice those abilities.

 4. Don’t Be Swayed by Tantrums

Angry outbursts are sometimes an effective method for children to get their needs addressed. When a child has a temper tantrum and their parents reward them with a toy, they will learn that tantrums are successful. Don’t give in to your child to avoid a meltdown.  Although it may be simpler in the short term, giving in will only exacerbate behavior issues and aggressiveness in the long run. Instead, focus on building a relationship with your child so that they can trust that their needs will be addressed.

5. Talk about Consequences and Follow Through with Them

To teach your child that violence or disrespectful behavior is not acceptable, consistent discipline is required. If your child disobeys the rules, give him or her a punishment each time. Discipline techniques like time-outs or taking away privileges can be helpful. If your child destroys anything out of frustration, have them help you repair it or complete tasks to help you generate money for repairs.

6. Protect Them Against Violent Media Content

Exposing your child to violent television shows or video games may increase their aggressive behavior. Expose children to books, games, and performances that demonstrate good conflict resolution techniques.

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