S R Dalvi (I) Foundation

The untold story of Ravana

The soul in Indian mythology goes beyond simple good and evil. If you want to dig deep, there is an interesting story at every step. What caused Ravana to become a villain in the first place? This is a question of great importance. The purpose of this project was to try and balance the good and evil in the world. It is not surprising that this man is still revered in some parts of the world.

Ravana was the grandson of one of the most renowned sages in Indian mythology, Pulastya. Ravana was also one of the Saptarishis, a group of seven great rishis. Sage Vishravan and Asura’s mother Kaikashi were both born to powerful and influential parents. Thus, he is considered to be half Asur (demon) and half Brahmin (sage). Ravana is a well-known antagonist in the ancient Hindu epic, Ramayana. He is often considered to be the supreme villain of the story. He is known as a Rakshasa, and he was the king of Lanka. He is known for having ten heads, but many people do not know that he did not always have ten heads.

Ravana was actually a great follower of Lord Shiva, an over-the-top scholar, an excellent ruler and a master of veena (plucked instruments). He has written two books–the Ravana Samhita (a book on astrology) and Arka Prakasham (a book on Siddha medicine). He was well versed in Ayurveda and the black practices of black magic. It is said that he had the ability to control the planets’ positions at will. The pilot of the pushpakviman, a flying chariot, was acquired from his step brother Kuber.

He had mastered the art of creating optical illusions of thoughts, which he used to defeat his enemies. When Ravana attempted to lift Mount Kailash, Lord Shiva crushed his hand beneath the mountain, and then Ravana started praising Lord Shiva. Ravana then asked for forgiveness. Lord Shiva was so pleased with Ravana that he danced with all his anger and passion, this dance was called Tandav and the chant became known as ‘Shiva Tandav Strotram’.

Getting an education Ravana underwent a huge tapasya (penance) to please Lord Shiva on the banks of the river Narmada. Ravana was willing to please the Lord, so he annexed his head each time it grew back. This allowed him to continue his penance ten times. Shiva granted Ravana ten heads after he sacrificed them. Due to the ten heads of this snake, he is also known as “Dashmukh”.

The ten heads of Ravana represent the six sacred scriptures of Hinduism, namely the sruti, smriti, purana, and tantra, as well as the four Vedas. Ravana was a great scholar, and because he mastered these texts, he was one of the most intelligent beings of his time. He was a master of 64 kinds of knowledge and all martial arts. He is highly respected for his compilation of Vedic notes and his Shiva Tandava stotra is still one of the most popular hymns worshiping Lord Shiva.

Another way to look at Ravana’s 10 heads is that they represent 10 different emotions. Those emotions are: lust, anger, delusion, greed, pride, envy, and self-interest. Hindu traditions emphasize the importance of controlling one’s senses and projecting only the intellect. This is considered to be supreme over other considerations. The use of other emotions, such as anger, jealousy, or sadness, can have negative consequences on a person’s soul growth.

King Mahabali once advised Ravana to try to avoid negative emotions and focus on intellect instead, believing that possessing all nine of these qualities makes him a complete person. The fate of Buddhi rested in the hands of one head, while Ravana had the power to control the actions of the other heads. This ultimately led to the destruction of Buddhi. He eventually became a slave to his senses, and since he could not control his desires, he not only destroyed himself and his clan, but the whole of Lanka was reduced to ashes. Having all this knowledge but not being able to use his powers was one of his greatest regrets as he lay dying on the battlefield. He regretted not using the wisdom he had in his life, which eventually led to his downfall.

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